
Best Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai

Due to the exclusivity in Facial Plastic Surgery practice which is restricted to Head, Face and Neck region Dr. Vaibhav Shah is considered to be “The Best Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”. At Dr. Vaibhav Shah Clinic “The Best Facial Plastic Surgery” results are achieved. After Maxillofacial Surgery training Dr. Vaibhav Shah has done various fellowships in Cosmetic Surgery in abroad. As skin lesions especially Skin cancers is commonest in the USA or Type 1 skin,  use of local flaps or best cosmetic restoration after excision of pathology becomes very Important, especially when it on Face.

There are many pathologies on Face which need to be excised & need CCPDMA – complete circumferential peripheral and deep margin assessment. There are certain deformities also which need the best local flap reconstruction for best Cosmetic and functional Restorations.  Here we have few case presentation using local flaps for best cosmetic output.  In this particular post, we have more concentrated on Pictures as one picture is equivalent to one thousand words. Pictures give an easy and most clear understanding of any Cosmetic Surgery cases. (Photographic release consent is taken from each patient for education and promotional activity)

Case 1 - Young boy having Nevi or Mole on Nose tip