Best Anti-ageing treatment without Surgery in Mumbai or Non-Surgical Face lift in Mumbai includes High Intensity Focused Ultra (HIFU) Sound Skin Tightening, Botox and Filler, Radio- Frequency, Vampire Lift, Thread Lift, Platelet-rich plasma Therapy for Face Rejuvenation at Most affordable cost with Dr. Vaibhav Shah.
“I really feel like telling the patient the truth about so called “Non-Surgical Facelift”
The truth behind face lift surgeries is that anybody performing facelifts must address the FOUR R’s.
To be honest, except surgical facelift (cervicofacial rhytidectomy), resuspension is just not possible. In any form of Non-surgical Facelift, no one actually remove sagging or hanging skin. There are multiple methods by which one can actually perform a non-surgical Facelift, which addresses the remaining R’s – regeneration, rejuvenation, and resurfacing. Removal of excess skin is one of the most important and mandatory parts of a face lift surgery. Due to ageing, the sagging skin (the excess skin) gives the patient an older look, and unless we do not trim it, or we do not remove that excess skin, we cannot achieve the desired result.
Many a times, when the aging is not very prominent or is mild, or somebody just has deep nasolabial (Laughing Lines) folds, and there is not much sagging and bagging, one can think of other forms of Non-surgical Facelift, which are the latest and have new names every year, but by en large the techniques remain the same. All try to Regenerate the collagen, Rejuvenate the Lost skin laxity, and Resurface the superficial skin.
There are a number of Non-surgical Facelift methods by which one can achieve this. I would like to mention the advantages and disadvantages of all these Non-surgical Facelift methods as well.
HIFU machine is high intensity focused ultrasound. As the name suggests, a type of energy is passed through the skin. It is a non-surgical procedure, and we try to generate collagen fibers by poking them or by irritating them. We believe there will be neo-collagenases at once. As there is regeneration of collagen fibers on the face, you start looking younger. The effect of the machine is definitely not permanent. The right case selection is also equally important. It is not a surgical procedure. The procedure takes around 45 minutes to 1 hour. Repeated sittings of this particular procedure are highly important. Around 3 to 4 sittings are recommended. The results are good for mild sagging or the onset of the aging process. This procedure is not indicated for patients with very deep laugh lines or prominent nasolabial folds, nor for severe sagging. Undoubtedly, patients may request for this procedure, as there is no down time and it’s not surgical one but at the end results are usually disappointing. Usually, the cost of the HIFU machine is 35000 to 45000 INR for one sitting. It is easily available at many skin clinics as well as Cosmetic clinics.
Since this is not a surgical procedure, there is no great downtime. There are no major complications. Mild erythema or redness on face is something which is common which usually last for 72 hours or up to 5 days. In my opinion, it is a good procedure for somebody who just wants to look young for one month or two months but not permanently.
There are different types of barbed or PDO threads available. These are inserted in the deeper layers of the skin. As the hook-like barbed gets fix with the skin, one can just try to pull the threads and that can give you a slight lift or rather tightness on face. The thread lift procedure is minimally invasive. After injecting a local anesthetic, one can go ahead with the procedure. It is a completely blind procedure. Also, after doing a thread lift, the result is not immediate. It takes some time for the effects to be apparent. Once the thread gets absorbed, it tries to regenerate the collagen fibers and by pulling the thread in the desired direction one can achieve a tighter look on the face or mimic the face lift surgery. Even in Thread Lift, The excess skin or fat is not actually removed. This method is a quicker and cheaper one. As previously mentioned, resuspension only possible with the surgical facelift. Thread lift is indicated only in those patients with a slight amount of sagging and bagging of skin. It is generally useful for 40-45 year olds that require some facial rejuvenation for a tired look. Effect usually stays for a maximum of 12 months to 15 months, not more than that. As it is a blind procedure, there is always a possibility of Hematoma. Interestingly, Indian patients develop a post inflammatory hyperpigmentation if the plane of thread insertion into the skin is wrong. Whenever you opt for any blind procedure there is always more possibility of damage to the blood vessels. There are surgeons who are really happy with this procedure and they recommend it to their patients. Selection of a procedure depends on the basic skill of the surgeon.
A surgeon who is not confident to perform a surgical facelift, which undoubtedly requires great skill, knowledge, and understanding about facial anatomy, will definitely recommend such Minimally invasive procedures but I will never recommend the procedure to my patients. The choice of procedure does not only depend on the patient, but also on the operating surgeon. An experienced surgeon, can only offer you surgical facelift while others one won’t even offer you. Selection of Correct surgeon is depends upon the patient’s understanding.
Using Botulinum Toxin type A (neurotoxin), or using a dermal filler, or using platelet rich plasma (PRP) or platelet rich fibrin (PRF), one tries to regenerate the glow on your face. Usually, neurotoxin is used for the upper face where one gets more Rhytids or wrinkles, during facial expressions, and for the lower face, dermal fillers are used more rottenly used. The most important and the best application of DERMAL FILLERS is in the laughing lines. Also, jowl formation, or marionette lines, can be reduced by using dermal fillers. There are a lot of doctors that choose to inject platelet rich plasma to improve the volume. Due to the aging process, there is fat distribution. We start getting a double chin and Jowls on inferior border of the mandible. To reduce drooping down of sagging skin, we can improve the volume but we have to understand that we are not removing the excess skin by doing any of these non-surgical forms of facelift. Improvement of volume is possible, but we are not removing the excess amount of skin. The main advantage of the surgical facelift is that the superficial musculoaponeurotic system is addressed. We tighten up this SMAS layer which is beneath the skin and can produce a look that is 15-20 years younger. Undoubtedly, the surgical facelift has its advantages, but the downtime is higher in a surgical facelift. However, it is still the procedure of choice of many surgeons since the desired result is easier to achieve. A Liquid Lift is by and large a one day, or sometimes a two-day procedure. It is addressed as Liquid lift as surgeon Inject or volumes the face by injecting different Liquids on face. In this one uses a variety of materials-from Botox to HA dermal filler to bio fillers to PRP or PRF. A Vampire lift is one in which the platelet rich plasma is injected just beneath the skin, and the remaining red blood corpuscles and platelets are spread over the skin and derma roller is performed. The basic intension of performing a derma roller over the face is that by poking the collagen fibers with needles, we expect them to grow and achieve fullness on the face. Liquid lift is Non-surgical Procedure very less down time. Depending upon the choice of material cost ranges from 25000 INR to 90000 INR. Results of such procedures is not permanent. One need to go for such injections for as and when effects of previous liquids are goes down. Generally Effect remains for 9 months to 12 months. Patients with Mild to moderate ageing are good candidates for such Liquid Lifts.
This is one of the most common questions we get asked on What Sapp or even via email. Whatever the approach may be, carrying out any procedure on the human body requires great dedication and hard work to master. It’s not easy to start performing any new technique in the market. One must be extremely careful before performing any procedures on the face. At the same time, we are not selling any new cookery dishes nor are we selling you a new mobile phone. It’s not possible to have a new development every year. The knowledge of a doctor, skills, and evidence-based concrete science is the only thing of Great Value. There could be new procedures introduced every year which are nothing but marketing gimmicks, but practically and ethically, there are no new techniques which comes this often. As far as the surgical method is concerned, the old and the established technique is always better and in favor of the patient, rather than any new techniques and tools for the Non-Surgical Facelift.
In the above-mentioned article of Non-Surgical Facelift the intention of Dr Vaibhav Shah is to give you the most honest and the right advice. Dr. Vaibhav Shah firmly believes that we are not opportunistic business people. Whenever we perform any procedure on a patient we are answerable for good, bad, or even why not achieve the better results? In our office rather than selling you any particular procedure, we are more concerned about the results and outcome of that particular procedure, specifically in the face lift procedure. Dr Vaibhav Shah spends a minimum of an hour with the patient in initial consultation. After thorough discussion, and after showing multiple pictures of patients before and after procedures, the decision is made for the procedure selection. The most honest advice and truthfulness is assured at Dr Vaibhav Shah’s clinic. We do not have a receptionist or a counselor. It is always important that you discuss your problems with operating surgeon, and at the same time, the procedure of choice and the possible outcomes, with the Dr. Vaibhav Shah himself. Only after being completely satisfied with the primary consultation, blood investigations are advised after which we go ahead with the procedure of choice. Undoubtedly, Dr Vaibhav Shah has mastered facelift surgeries. We believe to give you the right opinion from the start and then leave the decision to the patient.
Hope above mentioned article helps you to decide your Non-Surgical Facelift procedure in Mumbai !