Feminization surgery in India is
one of the most helpful facial Feminization surgery to predict desired gender. Dr. Vaibhav Shah is considered to be
most renowned surgeon for Facial Feminization surgery in India as his area of
expertise is Maxillofacial surgery. Minor details which makes major changes in
any transgender life is well explained.
What is facial feminization surgery and
what are the steps of facial feminization surgery?
are different features on a male face and different on female face. Whenever
anyone choose the gender change procedure apart from the genitalia even from
the facial appearance one need to look like a female, which is equally
important. The difference in a sex is just not because of the genitals
and the breast, even the facial features make a huge difference in deciding the
sex of an individual. Changes whatever required to look like a female and all
the surgical procedure which is performed to make a male look like a female is
called female feminization surgery.
What are the different procedures
involved into the facial feminization surgery?
feminization surgery is really a unique procedure it's not about the sagging
skin fat pads and the bags over the eyelid. It is about giving a totally
different identity. Add a new personality to someone which requires lot
of evaluation and skills. Undoubtedly, the most experience surgeon can do the
best job. Surgery part is a one aspect but the right evaluation of the patient
face is also equally or even more important. Each patient who would like to go
for a female feminization surgery required tailor-made procedure. There is a no
quick fix therapy. At the same time there are no specific steps to follow to
create a male face into a female face.
general following procedure can be considered when anybody opt for the female
feminization surgery.
Hairline- Males have a prominent
temporal angle. The frontal hairline and the temporal angle has a distinguish
obtuse angle. Which is common with the male hairline. While in a female
hairline, there is no prominent temporal angle as well as frontal hairline
merges with the temporal angle with the curve shape. Even the direction of a
hair shaft is different. So whenever anybody wants to go for the female
features, the change in a hairline is very important criteria. One cannot go
with the sharp temporal angle and very prominent obtuse angle between the
frontal hairline and temporal hairline. Such changes in a hairline is a great
features or a great tool to make someone look like a female.
Forehead- male and female both
can have short or a long forehead but the prominence on the superior orbital
Rim is something which is a distinguish features of a Male forehead, while in
female there is no prominence on the superior orbital Rim is present. Which
makes their face flat and are comparatively more stable than the males.
So the Trimming of superior Orbital Rim bone as and when and where ever
it is required, one can actually give you the more female appearance then the
Eyebrow- Undoubtedly, the eyebrow of a
female is one of the most appealing features on a face. Proper Eyebrow always
look much most sensual or appealing. Shape of eyebrow is way too much
different in males and females. In females it is thin but having sharp curve
while in males it is thick and blunt. One can always change density of hair in
eyebrow and one can always change even shape of eyebrow. This may look minor
point but actually makes great impact in overall appearance.
face OR cheekbone-
Malar eminence which is called as the most projectile portion of the maxillary
jaw is always very prominent and sharp in females, which actually give them the
appearance of a female face. While in a male the cheek bone or a Malar
eminence is not that much prominent, so in a female feminization surgery it’s
important that you go for cheek correction and make Malar eminent more
prominent. That can be done with the HA dermal filler. The durability of a
Derma filler is 12 months to 15 months and whenever you select for the female
feminization procedure you are looking out for the something which is long
lasting. The cheek implants is one of the best possible option. There are two
company which makes the implant really nicely one is “Implantech” and other is
“Nagor”. “Imaplntech” is USA based company and other one is the “Nagor” which
is Britain based company. One can actually go for the customized implant but
usually the large size OR the extra-large size implants fit well and bring
desired changes. It’s very important you take care while putting such
implant, always when placing the any facial implants the intraoral approach is
most preferable to avoid any scars on a face. Whenever you fix the implant with
the screws it gives its stability and long lasting durability so the enhanced
cheekbone is very important features can be done for the appearance of a female
the widespread Alar base is more common in males while the female they have
smaller nose or the small alar base. Individual evaluation of a face is very
important it required lot of time spending with patient. No communication is
most important. One can do the tip platy along with the Alar base reduction to
give a female features, depending upon requirement.
jaw Line or a prominent chain is something which is a very common features
among the males, nowadays with the better understanding of aesthetics lot of
young males even go for the chiseled jawline using a HA dermal Filler. There
are males who even go for the chin implant to make it more prominent. The
prominent chin bone is a feature of a strong male personality. Not a single
male would like to go for a chubby cheek appearance or lethargic appearance on
a face. The tight skin over the lower border of the mandible gives you the
muscular look. In Female feminization surgery as per need we have
to reduce the required amount of chin prominence or have to shave some amount
of chin bone. Sometime along its extended area to the body of a mandible gives
you the most female appearance so by doing shaving of the Chin bone one can
actually give the features of female on the face of a male.
mails have more bulky cheek than the female, the credit goes to the buccal fat
pad. So whenever you off for the female feminization surgery buccal fat pad
removal becomes the important aspect of the procedure. The whole procedure of a
buccal fat pad removal is done through the mouth intra orally and No visible
scars outside. It is not a major surgical procedure one can easily do it
under a local anesthesia or in a general anesthesia. It is very important one
do not remove the whole amount of a fat which is there but one remove only the
excess fat pad from both the sides by enhancing the cheek bone and reducing the
buccal fat pad and reducing the or shaving of the Chin bone one can actually
get the features of a female.
Dr Vaibhav Shah is writing this particular of article after a great evaluation.
I must have observed more than 8000 males and females. I can say this
with the confidence, the female upper lip is much more sexually appealing.
While in the male upper lip is with proper cupid bow the correct columella. The
great popping bulge on the center portion of a lip can actually make a female
much more female than the males. At the same time the total length of a lip
that is from the base of the nose to the exterior most part of a lip is longer
in males, while in female it is short. So just below the nose, we have to do
some small correction which is called as a lift procedure. In Lip
lift 2 to 3 mm of the skin is removed and the lip is being lifted. One need to
make sure we do not touch the orbicularis oris muscle while doing a procedure.
Injecting a HA Dermal Filler is one of the best option to get the female
sexy lips.
other adjective procedure-
I said right from the beginning the individual person required the individual
surgery the given article is just the example for someone who is searching for
the female feminization surgery or what are the probable procedures what one
can think of undoubtedly in a personal consultation after comparing a lot of
pictures in all the profile and all the angle one can take the best decision.
Mumbai is a preferred destination for facial feminization surgery?
cost of the female feminization surgery is really high. Specifically,
when you know you have to go for the multiple surgical procedure. To get the
proper female features it not possible to correct it with only one or two
surgical procedure it always required the multiple surgical procedure, in that
situation the cost become very important factor. In European countries or
America or even in Great Britain the cost is much higher or I would like to say
ten times higher than the Indian market. As the population of a Mumbai
it's really high and probably you can say one of the densest population so
equally the requirement of a Cosmetic surgery is higher and we have a surgeon's
like Dr Vaibhav Shah who is only into the facial cosmetic surgery and procedure
and not touching the belly and boobs. This particular approach toward the
surgical procedure make Dr. Vaibhav Shah very clean and having the cutting edge
in the facial cosmetic surgery. Undoubtedly, when you keep on doing the
one procedure repeatedly your understanding about the procedure and your
experience improve a lot. The value of Indian rupee is much lesser than the
value of United Kingdom pound or USA Dollar or even Australia New Zealand or
any European countries. So one can get the best of the best surgeon at most
affordable rates or I would like to say really at cheap rate in Mumbai. Also in
India there is a tradition of considering all guest is our god. So most people
have in general good experience with India. Dr Vaibhav Shah firmly believes
in following bottom line
“Sell your honesty, invest your
particular attitude of a doctor Vaibhav Shah made him popular into the foreign
countries as well as overseas patient for any cosmetic procedure and surgery in
Mumbai. Just within the few years Dr Vaibhav Shah is become actually one of the
biggest service provider for overseas patient in field of a facial cosmetic
surgeries including female feminization surgery.