Facelift Neck Lift

Enjoy being Young at any age! Say bye bye to Wrinkle and Sagging and bagging Skin of Face! Honest Fact and best Content writing about Best Facelift (Cervico-Facial Rhytidectomy) in Mumbai.

What is Face lift surgery?

Removal of rhytids or a wrinkle from face specifically from lower face is called as Facelift Surgery. Also, giving a young girl look to the face is called as a face lift surgery.  The face lift surgery is basically a very commonly used terminology the scientific name for the face lift and the neck left is cervicofacial rhytidectomy. The meaning of cervicofacial rhytidectomy means removal of excess amount of fore skin which is sagging or loosen up on face and neck


Facelift is a surgical procedure?

Yes, the face lift surgery is considered to be a major surgery. It is a surgical procedure, it is performed under the general anesthesia. It is best for the patient who has the double chin double or very loose skin on neck and giving appearance of “Turkey face”.


Surgery on a face?  Does it leave scars and marks?

The face lift surgery is being performed through the envelope flap, the incision is placed just around the ear and in a subcutaneous plane means the surgical plane is just below the skin is addressed.  We do have a superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) which is greatly responsible for the youthful look of the face. This particular superficial musculoaponeurotic system is tighten up and excess amount of a skin is being removed.  The scars and the marks are just around the ear after a few month of a surgery which is almost invisible or rarely visible.


 After doing a face lift the double chin issue or sagging of a skin below the chin which is very common can be addressed?

Definitely yes.  The excess skin is being pulled from both the sides around the ear which actually addresses the lower half of the face (Nek) and after doing a procedure one actually get a prominent jawline.  Also, the sagging and a bagging or a jowl formation like a laughing lines can be addressed the best.


How exactly the facelift is performed?

First of all patient is taken into the general anesthesia. The careful evaluation prior to the surgery is really a key role.  Just beneath the chin which is also called as a shadow area of the face, tumescent solution is injected. Tumescent solution dissolve the underlying fat. After tumescent solution injections Cannulation is done. Cannulation is more like breaking the fat lobules into tiny pieces so one can easily suck it out. There are different cannula available to breakdown fat, according to patient need we have to use correct one. Also, after breaking fat in to small pieces, with the help of high vacuum suction device, fat is sucked out of the Face. Such facial liposuction helps to reduce the volume over the neck. After proper liposuction on Neck area muscle which is like curtain on neck “Platysma” is tighten up using Sutures. Tightening the Platysma is called as “Pltysma Plication”. Platysma plication is greatly helpful to get tight skin over neck.   After the closure in neck area, we lift the face from the sides. Such dissolving of fat is done on both the sides of cheek also from Mandibular jaw line using tumescent solution and liposuction unit. After liposuction over the face, in right surgical plane skin layer is separated from underlying SMAS layer. After which I trim the some amount of SMAS layer to lift the face. Make sure, you trim the correct amount of SMAS and pull the SMAS in right vector. Tightening the SMAS layer makes your Facelift really long lasting one. Right vector of tightening SMAS layer can only give you Natural looking Facelift. After which excess skin is removed from both sides which is around the ears. Make sure there is no active bleeding. Close the flap with sutures. I personally prefer to put drains for surgical site which helps for faster recovery and helps to reduce swelling.


Do I need to get admitted for the face lift surgery?

No. Dr.  Vaibhav Shah Clinic perform the surgery in the morning hours and till night we make sure the patient is under observation. At night along with the qualified nurse we send back to the patient to their home or hotel the respective locations. We make sure the qualified person is with the patient at least for the coming 72 hours in case of any problem and emergency. Our Centre is always open and well equipped to deal with any complications.


Do I get any bandages after the surgery?

Yes. To cover of the suture lines and closure we do give bandages around the ears also below the chin.  We usually remove after the two days of the surgery, while removing the drains.


How much age difference does it make after doing the face lift surgery?

Generally what we have seen after doing the proper cervicofacial facelift surgery you can start looking younger by at least 10 to 15 years.  The biggest advantage of this particular procedure is it is permanent unlike Botox and fillers. One no need to do it again and again after every 12 to 15 months or 18 months so once you go for the face lift surgery, it is by and large a permanent procedure.


How will I look after the face lift surgery?

Believe me, this is one of the most common question.  We get this question from everybody. Everyone like to know as they are going for the one specific procedure which is only for the Youthfulness of the face.  It's very important from the patient point of view. How they will look after the surgical procedure? One can actually just sleep down on the bed and tried to pull the chin upwards and then you must see yourself in a mirror, it's important that you keep a mirror in your hand and then see yourself. Kind of looks you get, same looks you will get after the Facelift.  We are actually putting the gravitational force in the same direction like facelift. This is one of the simplest method to understand how much amount of a difference will be created after the facelift surgery, also most of the software which predict the face lift surgery are not accurate and there is always a chances of error. When you opt for any software to predict your look after the surgery, it is misguiding.  The above mentioned method is one of the easiest tool and one can easily understand how much amount of a difference it will be created.


Why do we need to facelift surgery?

I mean why we starts looking so old on face with age?

Well along with the age, that is change in a bone level as we have a more amount of osteoclast cells than your osteoblast cells, so there is a change in hard tissue or at the bone level due to the factor which is responsible for the aging. We do lose the collagen fiber which is just beneath the skin at the subcutaneous level, so we get the distribution of a fat in a localized area which gives the begging on a one specific area and deep lines or a wrinkles on counter pert. Such localized accumulation of fat, changes in bone cells, loss of collagen fibers gives you the appearance of old looking face.  To correct this there are many procedure but only surgical facelift actually addresses the superficial musculoaponeurotic system as well as it removes the excess amount of sagging skin which is actually responsible for the older looks. Undoubtedly, the facelift is not a mandatory procedure it's always a willingness of a person but someone who is regularly going for the Botox and dermal filler for the youthfulness for the face are the most ideal candidate to go for the face lift surgery as they already experience the charm and the glamour of a youthfulness. The right understanding of a surgery is also equally important as we do not claim that the hundred percent of the wrinkles goes out of the face but definitely we can achieve the best possible result under the sky by doing this particular procedure.


Rather than a big face lift may just go for a “mini lift”?

Well, here we have to understand the difference between the Mini lift and the proper lift. It is very important we have to do the undermining of a tissue or we remove the excess amount of a fat from the deep wrinkles and the begging from face.  Somebody has a very mild laughing lines are probably few strings on a neck which is sagging up can think of a mini lift, as a mini lift is the undermining of a tissue is done only till four inches but if somebody has lot of fat over and neck (“Turkey Neck”) and it is like a lot of Jowl on the chin area or having a double chin are not a right candidate for the Mini lift. should depending upon the amount of fat deposition the amount of a permanent wrinkles what one habit on a face the actual procedure can be done it is very important that you select the right surgeon and you do the proper evaluation before going for the facelift.


Is there any complications of a facelift?

Not a single major surgery is without a complication.  Yes, mild numbness around the ear is one of the commonest problem which usually get settle down within 6 to 9 months after the surgery.  The bruising and the swelling is something which is common after the facelift surgery which also get settle down in 8 to 10 days after the surgery. The scarring around the ear is also sometime very prominent invisible if it does not settle down after the 90 days of a surgery one can do the scar revision. Probably just the carbon dioxide laser over the incision which makes it really less visible.  But whenever you with the experience surgeon and proper set up and somebody who is regularly doing the facelift surgery such problems can be avoided and one get the happy outcome.


Surgical facelift is permanent?

Yes, unlike the any other lift like vampire lift, liquid lift, thread lift, filler and Botox lift, surgical facelift is only procedure where we remove the excess amount of skin. The right cannulation and remove the excess amount of a fat and we give rejuvenation to the superficial musculoaponeurotic system. We actually cut the some amount of face mash layer, can be produced the tightness over the face.


Why do someone get a mask like appearance after the facelift?

It’s basically the wrong vector in which skin and SMAS layer is lifted, which is responsible for such appearance.  It is very important when you reach beneath the skin in a which particular direction you have pulled the skin, if you have pulled the skin in superior direction or direction towards the temporal bone then probably one get the mask like an appearance.  For the most natural outcome one need to pull the skin towards the ears in natural vector, which gives the best r the face lift surgery results. These are the very minute points but it makes a really huge difference. Definitely the understanding of a surgeon regarding the face lift surgery plays the key role for giving the most natural face lift surgery outcome.


 Face lift for less than 3000 USA dollars?

Well the surgical facelift is actually expensive in USA considering the procedure which require around 3 to 4 hour of a General anesthesia, the proper Hospital setup, hospitalization, the medicine during the anesthesia and the postoperatively post-surgical care, amount of a consumable to be used during the surgery, and most importantly the experience of a surgeon, cost you definitely much more higher than the $3,000 in USA.  Dr. Vaibhav Shah clinic who is basically an Indian surgeon practice is exclusively into the facial cosmetic surgery and hair transplant surgery is providing such a facelift surgery less than or around for 3000 US dollars. As the charges are the value of an Indian Rupee is less compared to the dollar, it is affordable to Dr Vaibhav Shah. Also having his own facial cosmetic surgery center (You do not have to pay very high cost for hospital set up), in which he own fully upgraded and equipped with the all latest technology, equipment which makes surgery most affordable with best patient experience. At the same time his nature to help people plays major role in making such a Cosmetic surgery affordable for the mass population.  Dr Vaibhav Shah is a maxillofacial surgeon and well trained himself only for this particular procedure under Dr Joe Niamtu, who is one of the very well-known personality in a field of a facial cosmetic surgery. After coming back from the USA with his knowledge and skills he started this particular center in one of the Western suburbs of the Mumbai, Borivali. His Centre is undoubtedly one of the best equipped and exclusively design for the facial cosmetic surgery. The skills of a Dr Vaibhav Shah is unmatchable as he works only and only in a facial cosmetic surgery and the procedure which gives him the cutting edge Over the Other surgeons. If you just do a one procedure for a multiple time you bound to become an expert. “Practice makes you perfect”  that is what is happened with Dr. Vaibhav Shah so whenever matter comes to the face lift surgery at cheaper cost or the face lift surgery less than 3000 US dollars the first name which comes to the mind is Dr Vaibhav Shah Mumbai India. As his well-trained under the facial cosmetic surgery, so he maintain his USA standard but his charges are according to the Indian Standard.


Message from Dr Vaibhav Shah

I am basically a maxillofacial surgeon and trained myself into the facial cosmetic surgery under really knowledgeable and skillful surgeon Dr Joe niamtu. Would like to address to the anyone and everyone who are thinking of any facial cosmetic surgery or procedure.  I do believe being a doctor we need to give back to the society, if you have any questions regarding the any procedure for facial cosmetic or hair transplant you are always free to approach me on email or you can also approach me on my What’s app number as and when I get the time I make sure I give you my honest possible advice. The money doesn't make a difference to me but to help the community is my basic Motto.  To give such an advice or opinion on any electronic media I do not charge anything. My intention is just to help you and help the community as the community and the society has given a lot to me. Thank you

After Before Pics of Facelift & neck lift