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Hair Transplant Surgery

  • What is hair transplant surgery?

    Well, basically one anybody loose the hair specifically from the frontal area as well as from the Crown area and starts predicting more age then what his ages is, in that time hair from the occidental area is taken out and as the name suggest it’s being transplanted or implanted to the area where you have less hair, this particular procedure is called as a hair transplant surgery. Hair Transplantation is not only about more hair, but we are also committed to producing the best Natural looking outcome of Hair Transplantation at most affordable Cost!

  • Am I a right candidate for “Hair Transplant?”

    In following criteria you are right candidate for Hair Transplant:- If you have lost Hair in Hair line or in front area. Due to less hair, you are looking older than your correct age. You want to restore your self-confidence. Matrimonial aspect to have better personality. No thyroid hormone imbalance. Medically fit.

  • How hair transplant is done?

    Hair line design, Trimming and cleaning of scalp, Local anesthesia to make scalp numb, Making channel in recipient area with either 19.5 G needle, Harvesting good quality grafts with FUE Punch., Implantation of graft using “No touch technique”

  • Can I get Natural density after transplant?

        To get equal amount of hair, whatever you have lost is impossible to achieve. But YES, you can get natural looking hair line after transplant. 

  • What is maximum density one can achieve after HAIR TRANSPALNT?

    Around 55 grafts to 90 grafts in one square centimeter area is possible

  • What are the “Pre-Operative “work up for Hair Transplant?

    Scalp evaluation. Dermatoscopic evaluation. Blood test. Complete Blood count. Bleeding Time. Clotting Time. Blood Sugar level. H3 Profile. Check Image in Hair Transplant Clinic Mumbai page FUT-FUE

  • FUE hair transplant Mumbai-

    Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also known as follicular transfer (FT), is one of two primary methods of obtaining hair follicles, naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs, for hair transplantation. The other method is called strip harvesting.

  • What is the follicular unit extraction method of a hair transplant?

    When harvesting of the hair graft from the donor area is done by using a micro punch is called a Follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant.

  • Why the follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant is so much popular?

    As the harvesting in hair transplant surgery is done using micro punch in a Donor area, healing is much faster, very less amount of a pain after the surgery, speedy recovery, less swelling, and discomfort after the hair transplant surgery, almost equal or good result as compared to the follicular unit transplant method of hair transplant, this particular technique of using micro punch or a follicular unit extraction becomes the most popular method of a hair transplant in the last decade.

  • What are the different punches available for the follicular unit extraction method?

    Depending upon the requirement by the surgeon for a particular surgery right from 0.8 to the one Millimeter diameter punches are available for the follicular unit extraction method. Also depending upon the donor area the punches difference a lot. For the scalp hair graft harvesting, usually the straight or a cylinder punches used, while for a beard hair harvesting or chest hair harvesting right angle or a small or curved punches are used for hair harvesting. The selection of punches is very important it is generally done by the surgeon himself. As each and every individual hair graft is extracted using the small unit it is called a follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant. 

  • How is the Healing after follicular unit extraction method of hair transplantation surgery?

    Unlike strip method or follicular unit transplant method in a follicular unit extraction method of a hair transplant, there is the minimum surgical intervention is done due to which the healing is much faster and the patient is very much comfortable after follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant. Recovery time after the follicular unit extraction method of a hair transplant is generally 3 to 5 days. 

  • Cost of a follicular unit extraction method of a hair transplant in Mumbai?

    The cost of in general hair transplantation surgery in Mumbai is highly variable write from 35000 Indian to the 3 lakh Indian rupees is people are charging in a different clinic. The cost highly depends on an individual clinic. When somebody opts for beard hair transplant or body hair transplant generally cost goes higher while when there is only scalp hair graft transplantation the cost is usually less

  • Am I a good candidate for the follicular unit extraction method of a hair transplant?

    Anybody who is having a good Donor area is a good candidate for the follicular unit extraction method of a hair transplant prior to clinical evaluation before the surgery is very important and certain lab investigation and fitness for the surgery is very much important.

  • FUT method of Hair Transplant or follicular unit transplant in Mumbai

    Follicularunit transplantation, FUT method of hair transplant also known as the open method of hair transplant or strip method of hair transplantation. There are some advantages of a strip method and there are some disadvantages of a strip method. The strip method of a transplant is pretty much old into the system undoubtedly it is one of the best methods to do it when the Donor area is poor. From the safe zone of the donor area, 1.5 by 10 to 12 CM strip is being removed. Once the strip is removed the closure is done with stitches. This particular strip is then undergoing the process of micro graft formation. Once micro graft is formed then it is being implanted into the recipient area. The biggest advantage of the strip method is the whole procedure is under the vision, unlike follicular unit extraction method where the surgeon needs to harvest the graft blindly inside the skin and remove the follicle. Possibility to damage the follicle and hair craft is almost zero percentage also there is nothing like a transaction rate into the strip method for follicular unit transplant method of hair transplantation. This particular method is only for the harvesting it means only from taking a graph from the donor area. One more advantage of a strip method is one can easily go up to 3000 to 4000 graft just in a few hours. Whenever there is a poor donor or when the patient is into the 6th or 7th grade of baldness this particular method of a transplant is most preferable. Also in the strip method along with the surgeon, many people can work together so one gets the transplantation procedure comparatively faster. Around 4000 graft in strip method takes around four hours, while in an FUE method of hair transplant it requires around 6 hours. Strip method was one of the common methods of hair transplant till 2007 or 2008. Undoubtedly in today’s time, it is the almost obsolete method of the hair transplant. One get the stitches to mark on a Donor area. In the FUT Method of hair transplant, undoubtedly post-surgically pain and swelling are more, due to a higher amount of a intervention, the surgical intervention is more in the FUT method of a hair transplant than an FUE method of hair transplant. Also if the patient is not having a good stretch ability or elasticity on a Donor area then the patient unable to look down for a few days, numbness is also something very common FUT method of hair transplantation. Due to the above advantages and disadvantages nowadays most common preferred Technology for hair transplantation is not the strip method of hair transplantation but the follicular unit extraction method of hair transplantation is the commonest. Dr. Vaibhav Shah clinic which is situated just outside the Borivali Railway Station and around 500 meters away from the Western Express Highway we provide both the method of hair transplantation, follicular unit transplantation also and follicular unit extraction method also, depending upon the requirement of an individual patient we suggest, requirement and operate patient it. For follicular unit transplant method of a hair transplantation or strip method of hair transplantation it is very important to have a good technical support, apart from a surgeon, technical aspect is also equally important in follicular unit transplant method technician to play a good amount of a role for making a micro grafts from the strip at doctor Vaibhav Shah clinic facilities for both kind of a hair transplantation including follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant.

  • How to Select Right Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai? (10 facts)

    It is always an ambiguity to select right hair transplant clinic? There are multiple factors which is responsible to select right or best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai? Without any intentions f marketing would like to share our knowledge and experience to guide our patient to take treatment of hair transplant from right hair transplant in Mumbai. There are few strict criteria which can be really helpful to select Right Hair transplant clinic . . . You have come to a right page, while searching for hair transplant in Mumbai. While talking to doctors about accurate information about best hair transplantation surgeons in Mumbai, we found hair transplant clinic in Mumbai, not transparent about the cost of hair transplant in Mumbai. Selection of right clinic & happy outcome of hair transplant is depends upon following factors. Are 1. Goal or Intension of Hair transplant surgery. 2. I am a right candidate? 3. Technique for hair transplant. 4. What to expect after transplant surgery? 5. Density after hair transplant. 6. FREE, FREE, FREE 7. How to select a right clinic. 8. Cost of hair transplant surgery. 9. Complications of hair transplant surgery. 10. Medical management after hair transplant surgery.

  • Am I the Right Candidate for Hair Transplant?

    In hair transplant hair follicle from back & sides of scalp is being shifted to frontal or crown area of head. In young adults due to Androgenic agents & especially due Di-hydro testosterone can cause loss of hair from front & sides of Head. Hair in this area are greatly affected by Hormones while hair in sides & back are immune to such hormone, they sustain well. Such a hormonal changes is not the Diseases but age related or Hormonal changes. Two out of three males gets affected by this hormonal change. For all sort of hair loss problem hair transplant is not indicated. In following condition Hair transplant gives best results. Androgenic Alopecia. | Male pattern Hair loss. | DHT motivated Hair loss. Also Hair transplant gives best results when enough donor area is available. So, Young males without any underlying medical cause having baldness & fall in to category of Norwood classification two to five are the most ideal candidates for hair transplant.

  • How to select right clinic in Mumbai India for hair transplant?

    Word of mouth is undoubtedly remains top of the list. If you’re some known person undergone with Hair transplant & he is happy with doctor, selection is really easy for you. In case, you do not have any firsthand experience person than Google plays major role to select clinic. After looking at location of clinic, which is accessible, shows authentic before –after results, qualified doctors with dedicated practice to hair transplant also few years of experience one can easily sort out 10 clinics. Next step is to personal call or chat through Mail or any communication. That will help you to realize who are accessible, responsible and talk authentic and realistic. To sort out final 5 clinic will be really simple after talk on phone. Personal visit to such Doctors will be really rewarding. Once you meet such five doctors it will be really simple to select one of them. Make sure one meet operating doctor and not sales executives. Celebrity are known for their endorsement job. Do you really think Amitabh Bacchan is using Hair oil what he is endorsing? It is also important to evaluate doctor on the basis of his own website rather than any third party portal who promote clinics strictly on the basis of professional aspect. Anyone who is trained into surgery field are considered to be qualified for hair transplant. Rather than individual doctor’s qualification his experience and experienced team is more important. Hair transplant is time consuming procedure and full job cannot be done alone by one surgeon. Good and experienced team plays important role in final outcome.

  • Complication after Hair Transplant Surgery:

    Hair transplant is basically only skin surgery rather than great knowledge, skills is more important. The sole reason surgery is really well picked up by patients is there is no great complications associated with it. It is practically pain free. Following is few most common complication- Numbness or stoned feeling for few weeks. Swelling over eyelids. Boils on recipient area after transplant. Itching. Failure of surgery- no hair growth or less growth than expected. Shock loss- one loses rest of the hair for temporary period of 3-6 months after transplant. Females are more affected…